Thursday, October 27, 2011

8. Digital Storytelling

October 27, 2011 - Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories comprise images, music, narrative and voice to express the student thoughts from autobiographies to historical events across the curriculum.

1. Create a script and storyboard for your own digital story and bring it with you to next week's class.
2. Bring digital media (photos, video, music) to class next week that go along with your storyboard.
3. Explore the online resources for digital storytelling listed on the class website.
4. Comment on this post. Include ways you could use digital storytelling with your students, something you learned in class, or thoughts about a digital storytelling resource you explored.

1 comment:

  1. I think that digital storytelling is one way that I can get students to understand changes in types of American literature. I'm trying to imagine my notes on realism, Romanticism, naturalism enhanced by digital storytelling and images. I think I can get these images to convey ideas better. Of course, it will take time to change these notes from overhead outlines to media presentations.
    I also see this as an option for students to present their ideas. I would like to try it first with the Pre IB sophomores. I can see them presenting themes or symbols from literature in this way. Maybe they could present types of conflict or characterization.
