Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Class 15 - Skype and Other Messaging Clients

Skype and other messaging clients provide access to other teachers, students, schools, guests from outside the walls of the classroom. These services are free (for the most part)  but open up the world to the classroom.

Reflection - What are some uses of Skype that you believe would be valuable in the classroom?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Class 14 Podcasting

Podcasting is a great way for students to be engaged in their learning environment. Podcasting is a great opportunity to showcase their finished product.

Reflection: What curriculum area could you use to create a podcast? What kind of a podcast can you see doing with your classroom? Please share the link of a podcast you have created with your classroom.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Class 13 Jing & Online Video Sharing

Jing is a great way to capture what you see on your computer and it helps you create a tutorial for someone you are trying to teach and you can share it instantly.

Online video sharing is a way to upload, share, and view videos via the internet. Classroom projects can be published online or a video can be shown to your classroom during a lesson.

Which online video resources did you find helpful to use in the classroom?