Monday, January 31, 2011

Class 4 & 5: Blogs

February 2, & February 9, 2011 - Blogs

Blogs can take the form of a journal, links to other sites, and new pages. Blogs serve as a collaborative communication space between teachers and students. Blogs can be integrated into the curriculum to reflect, write, and share ideas in the classroom.

Class 4: Share your Blog with the class.
Class 5: Create a new blog post.

1 comment:

  1. I believe there is power to be had in blogging. Power to get your message heard, power to get your students heard. It isn't easy to gain followers, even among your students parents, but it can be a valuable communication tools. It is also a great way to share with other classes around the country. If you want a class blog to be noticed and followed, the best way is to start commenting on other class blogs that you like and linking back to your blog so they can see what your class is saying.
