Thursday, December 1, 2011

12. Online Photo Sharing

December 1, 2011 - Online Photo Sharing
There are many online tools to help you organize, store, share and edit your photographs. This class will outline some of those services.

1. Create an account on Flikr.
2. Upload at least one photo to your Flikr account.
3. Make at least one comment on another user's photo on Flikr.
2. Choose 2 of the many other online photo sharing and editing sites.
3. Comment on this post. Include ways you could use online photo sharing as an educator, something you learned in class, or thoughts about one of the photo sharing sites you explored.

Photo Sharing / Editing Sites:
MobileMe Gallery 

Top 20 Photo Storage and Sharing Sites
Top 10 Free Online Photo Editing Sites

1 comment:

  1. I am seeing possibilities for using the photo sharing in introductions to authors, settings, background. While in Baltimore, I missed the Poe house and grave. Others in the group went but then reported I should not go alone, on foot, or by bus. (as Jermaine put it--"the Poe house is in a po' neighborhood.") I felt bad because I'll be starting this unit soon. But I went on Flickr storm and Photobucket and found great photos to show. (I saved the links on delicious). I also tried to find photos from activities from our ladies' group at church on Shutterfly. I was disappointed as I did not find their indexing system to be helpful. I'll have to ask around and see if I can get right search info and try again.
